
21 Ways to Practice Self-Care for the WAHM

21 Ways to Practice Self-Care for the WAHM

Self-Care for the WAHM

You don’t have time for a spa day. You can barely find the time to pluck your eyebrows, so a full on at-home facial is not going to happen. But, September is self-care month, so I am going to talk specifically about how to practice self-care for the WAHM.

Yes. You Do Have Time.

For some of us, it seems selfish to put aside time for yourself when you have kids, clients, a house, etc. But, you must make the time. Put it on your list. Self-care for WAHMs is absolutely mandatory.

Even if it isn’t the candles-in-the-tub, wine-and-romance-novel type of self-care, you need to make time and space for it. And it doesn’t have to be hours of pampering. In just a few minutes a day, you can take care of yourself.

Why Practice Self-care?

Self-care is important for a few reasons:

  • Self-care helps prevent burnout, both with your family and your work.
  • Self-care helps you focus which allows you to become more efficient and effective at work. So, any time you use for self-care, you might be able to make up for by being more efficient, right?
  • Self-care helps you become more patient. Ummm…. You work at home. With kids. I am certain you can use more patience.  
  • Self-care = better health. And better health means fewer sick days. And we all know the personal hell of being sick at home with little kids. Let’s avoid that!
  • Self-care increases your self-esteem. And your self-esteem is a mirror of your kids’ self-esteem, so let’s work on that!
  • Self-care gives you more to give. I think the definition of motherhood should be something like “giving until you are left bone dry.” Practice a little self-care so that you can replenish your reserves, allowing you to be more compassionate, more patient, and a better person.
  • Self-care shows that you are important. Lastly, you need to send a message to your kids that you are also important. Yes, you do. If you don’t tell them that you are important, no one else will. And if you don’t tell them you are important, they may not realize it.
  • Self-care sparks creativity. Taking your mind off your work and doing something just for you helps adults become more creative.
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There are countless reasons to practice self-care. These are just a few.

You are a better mom, a better partner, and a better person if you regularly practice self-care.

You deserve it.

Even just two or three minutes of any one of these can give you the refresher you need to take care of those little ones you love so much (and that job that hopefully you also love!). Try to get a few uninterrupted minutes and do any one of these. And then try to make it a daily habit.

Here are 21 Easy Ways to Practice Self-care for the WAHM:

And all of them take less than 20 minutes!

  1. Eat something while sitting at the table, at the right temperature. Like your lunch.
  2. Take the deepest breath you can. Now do that two more times.
  3. Have a glass of wine, by yourself, after everyone has gone to bed. Savor it.
  4. Get up a few minutes earlier (just three or four – I know how precious sleep is) and savor your coffee.
  5. Meditate.
  6. Exercise. Even just a quick walk around the block or ten minutes of yoga will do
  7. Get outside. Again, just for a few minutes.
  8. Read for fun.
  9. Take a nap while they nap. Even if it is just a quick 15 eyes closed, relaxation session.
  10. Daydream. Have an uninterrupted thinking-about-yourself session.
  11. Unplug everything.
  12. Call a friend.
  13. Listen to your favorite song.
  14. Paint, color, or get creative in your own way. Try to do something you don’t regularly do or something that you used to do, back in your child-free days.
  15. Garden.
  16. Put a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil in your shower. You probably can’t get to the spa, so let the spa come to you.
  17. Dance.
  18. Go online and shop. For yourself. No kid or house stuff (unless it’s decorative) allowed!
  19. Put on your favorite lipgloss and appreciate how beautiful you are.
  20. Give yourself a quick facial. Even if it is just a quick mask and a shower.
  21. Watch your kids sleep.
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Still No Time?

If you can’t do any of these (been there!), try to just hide in the bathroom for a few luxurious minutes. Bring a relaxing essential oil and breathe it in. Just you and your breath.

But remember, self-care is the opposite of selfish. If you are still struggling to find time for self-care, try to work it into your schedule. Make sure it is a priority, not just for your own well-being, but for the well-being of your family.

So for this self-care month, make a commitment to yourself (and your family!) and do something just for you, just for a few minutes. You more than deserve it. Write it down, get an accountability partner if you need to. Do whatever it takes to take care of yourself so that you can keep taking care of your kiddos and business.

How are you practicing self-care? Are there any quick ways you practice self-care? And how do you find the time for it? Any time management tips?

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    1. I love this post so much. And I love the point that we need to show our children that we are important too. It’s so easy to get caught up in everything that needs to be done, yet just a couple of minutes to yourself can make a huge difference in how you are feeling.
      These are such great and simple ideas, thank you for sharing x

      1. That was an important lesson for me to learn too. I hadn’t really thought of it until I read an article about celebrating our own birthdays. It’s so true – just a few minutes can do so much! Thanks for your comment, Natasha!

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