My Natural Cold Remedies
Cold season is here! Ugh. And we are right in the thick of it. One of my little ones has a cough that wakes us all up at night, and the other has had a runny nose since the beginning…
Cold season is here! Ugh. And we are right in the thick of it. One of my little ones has a cough that wakes us all up at night, and the other has had a runny nose since the beginning…
What Does Your Lifestyle Say About Your Values? A few weeks ago, I was playing with my toddler. He likes to pretend that everything that is the size of a credit card is his phone (yes. I realize what this…
The weather has finally cooled down a little. Mid-mornings are absolutely beautiful, still a little crisp, but not yet hot. All summer long, I look forward to fall so much, when we can go to a park without overheating or…
I learn something interesting with every client I work with. Sometimes, it is new tidbits of info that don’t really matter but thoroughly interest me. Other times, I get something truly of value. This is what happened when I started…
I went back and forth about this post. Wasn’t sure if minimalist beauty fit with what I normally write about with Unlikely WAHM. But, I decided, minimalist beauty is nothing if not a time management tool and an act of…
Self-Care for the WAHM You don’t have time for a spa day. You can barely find the time to pluck your eyebrows, so a full on at-home facial is not going to happen. But, September is self-care month, so I…
5 Tips to Survive Thrive as a WAHM I did not picture myself as ever being a work-at-home mom. I imagined I would take my three-month maternity leave, and then head back to the office, breast pump (and sometimes baby)…
A Slow Motherhood Challenge You have probably heard about slow fashion, slow food and even slow beauty. I’d like to make a case for slow motherhood (or fatherhood, honestly just slow parenting. I am going to refer to it as…