5 Tips to Manage Your Time as a WAHM
5 Tips to Manage Your Time as a WAHM I have a mask on my face, my hair is an absolute mess because I had to put my one and only brush in the freezer (lice! ugh. But if I…
5 Tips to Manage Your Time as a WAHM I have a mask on my face, my hair is an absolute mess because I had to put my one and only brush in the freezer (lice! ugh. But if I…
Let’s Just Get Through It, Ok? Each month (or so) I write a Slow Motherhood Challenge. It is usually an opportunity to be more present with your little ones. To take time, usually outside, and just be with them, letting…
“Life sucks and then it gets better, and then it sucks again.” Note: I wrote this well before all of the self-isolation laws were in place. It feels even more important to remember this now! — I saw this while…
How the world has changed in just a few weeks! We are in an unprecedented time. There is a global pandemic that has altered the course of every single business and every single family. Many of us are heading to…
If you’ve been here a while, you can probably tell that I am a bit of a “crunchy” mama. I try to keep our home as toxin-free as possible, like to choose the eco-friendlier options most of the time, and…
Around the time my little one was three or four months old, I started failing at everything. Seriously. I could not get myself (or anything else, for that matter) together. And this failure might have been one of the better…
I’m about to get on a plane to fly across the country in a week (Update: I cancelled the trip… social distancing and all). And of course, we are in the midst of a global pandemic. The kids are out…
We’ve all seen the women who seem to magically look like exactly as they did pre-baby just weeks after giving birth. Our Instagram feeds are bombarded with “inspirational” posts on how to get our bodies back (well, mine was, at…