Let’s Strive For Harmony Instead
Last week, I made a case against searching for balance. Instead, I think we should strive for harmony. We try so hard to find balance in our lives. For most of us, it is a fruitless goal. It is almost…
Last week, I made a case against searching for balance. Instead, I think we should strive for harmony. We try so hard to find balance in our lives. For most of us, it is a fruitless goal. It is almost…
It seems like we are constantly searching for balance. We need to stop. I have talked a lot about balance in the past (here, at home, at work, with friends, everywhere). If we are working too much, we need to…
Have you heard of the dishwasher effect? I learned about it a few months ago, while listening to Optimal Living Daily (if you love self-improvement and podcasts, this is a must-subscribe). I then went on to read the post, because…
This year, instead of resolutions, I am going to do the opposite. Instead of trying to fit in more exercise, more reading, or something along those lines, I am going to try to do less. And do the things that…
My final word of the year is Progress, after Patience and Presence. I tend to be drastic with my goals, and opt for huge changes that don’t stick or vague ideas without known ways to track them. Things like “lose…
This year, I chose three words of the year, patience, progress and presence. I have been working on being more present for a few years, but this year I wanted to make it a primary focus. Time is going by…
This year, I chose the word “patience” as one of my words of the year. Why patience? Well, anyone with small children knows why. I need it. And I need more of it bad. Impatience Became a Habit. And, I…
I hate resolutions. I have never been good at them and usually picked the same ones (drink more water, swear less, travel more). I fail pretty quickly (usually by January 2nd on the swearing less). They are’t for me. Resolutions…