The (Almost) Everything Page
Let’s keep it simple. You’ll find (almost) everything Raising Slow has to offer here.
All in one place. Every mindful motherhood resource, freebie, course, workshop, and membership I’ve ever created right here. It’s priced low to high, so you’ll see a few free resources at the top.
Sign up here if you’d like to be added to my about-once-a-week email about all things mindful and slow motherhood or about upcoming launches or new courses:


15 Ways to Simplify Motherhood
Want to make life with easier and more peaceful?
15 Ways to Simplify Motherhood will help eliminate the overwhelm and burnout that we often feel.
If you’re struggling to start, this will help you:
⤁ stress less by eliminating what isn’t important
⤁ create time for yourself each day
⤁ focus on what really matters

5-Day Slow Motherhood Challenge
Are you tired of rushing from activity to commitment, feeling distracted and drained by all the things?
We’ve all been there. Imagine if you:
⤁ were actively present with your little ones
⤁ could deepen your connection, each day
⤁ could find joy and ease in motherhood

Creating Calm
Unlock calmer kids, a peaceful home, and more me-time with three essential keys. I call them the Big Three:
⤁ Attention
⤁ Autonomy
⤁ Simplicity

15 Ways to Simplify the Holidays
The holidays bring some of the sweetest, most beautiful and joyful memories. But they can also be stressful and overwhelming.
15 Ways to Simplify the Holidays will eliminate some of the overwhelm and burnout and bring more peace and joy that we crave. Imagine if you could:
⤁ stress less by focusing on the traditions that mean the most
⤁ create simple yet meaningful rituals
⤁ focus on what really matters
Paid Offerings

Rhythm & Flow
Imagine flowing through your days, knowing you’ve used your time wisely. Time no longer feels like it is slipping away. You have a sense of purpose. Your little ones are secure in their transitions and also have a sense of purpose and understanding of how the day flows.
You are proactive, you say yes to what’s important, and you build rituals and tradition into your calendar. You find time for mindfulness and rest, giving you a sense of peace and calm. This is rhythm.
This quick course (less than an hour) shows you how to build a daily rhythm. It gives you a practical guide to building that rhythm into a weekly flow, monthly and quarterly calendars that save time, increase productivity, and create a life of peace, connection and specialness.

Simplify Your Space
Finally clear the clutter — and then keep it clear!
Simplify Your Space will help you get rid of the excess – both in your home and in your mind. Clear yourself of the piles, the stacks, the overflowing drawers, and the negative self-talk.

101+ Ways to Simplify Your Life
Over a hundred ways to make your life easier. Household, your time, planning, finances, digital simplicity, special occasions and more. $9.

A Year of Mindfulness
Calm, clarity, peace, presence, and transformation delivered to your inbox weekly.
Spend time each day reflecting, in stillness. Finding peace, clarity, presence. You’ll get to know yourself, discover what you want, find meaning. You’ll create new self-care rituals and find a level of peace and presence you’ve never felt before. $24.

Slow Motherhood Essentials
The Original Raising Slow Product. Slow Motherhood Essentials gives you the 6 pillars of slow motherhood so you can learn to slow, simplify, declutter and create more calm and joy.
Slow Motherhood Essentials will help you eliminate overwhelm, reduce stress and connect with your little ones.

Creating Vision
If you don’t know where to start, start here! In Creating Vision, you’ll create a values-based life with intention to guide you to a life full of purpose and what matters most, while saving you time. $49.

Peaceful Presence
If you don’t have the time or aren’t ready to commit to Peaceful Mamas, this ones for you. In less than two hours, you’ll get high impact lessons on creating peace, being more present, and using play to increase cooperation and independence.

Breath to Bloom
Ready to see how breath and somatics can bring calm to your day, energize you when you’re feeling low, and heel past wounds? Breath to Bloom offers a range of breathwork, nervous system calming, and meditation practices all designed to soothe your nerves and bring you the peaceful energy we all want. Relaunching in 2025.

Peaceful Mamas
Raising Slow’s flagship course (and my dream come true). Find the presence, connection and joy in motherhood you’ve been searching for even when you feel overwhelmed, stressed, and pulled in every direction. This mindful motherhood resource will change your life.

Raising Slow Membership
Get access to ALL CURRENT and FUTURE PRODUCTS with a Raising Slow Membership including:
⤁ Peaceful Mamas
⤁ Breath to Bloom
⤁ Everything on this page
And so much more, including updates, future course releases, no-longer-published freebies and bonuses. You’ll have access to every mindful motherhood resource I’ve created. I’d love to see you in the membership! Cancel anytime. $29/month.