How to Start When You Want to Live a More Conscious Life

Ok, so you have decided that you want to start living a simpler, healthier, more sustainable, conscious life. Maybe you are having a baby and can’t stand the idea of exposing their tiny little body to anything toxic. Or maybe you read a depressing story on climate change and want to do your part. Or maybe you just realize it is time. Time to make a few changes that will lead to a healthier body, home, and planet. If you are overwhelmed with the idea of moving to a more environmentally friendly lifestyle, don’t be.

Just get started.

Do it slow and easy, or all at once. Just get started on your conscious-living journey. There is no right way, but I have a few ideas!

How to Start When You Want to Live a More Conscious Life:

I moved in this direction slowly (really slowly!). While I was always concerned about the environment, waste, and pollution, I didn’t realize the effect all of my consumption had on the environment. I drove a hybrid, but I shopped like crazy. I donated and voted for the environment, but I was not at all concerned about my beauty products. And I reduced my plastic and paper use, but I never thought about the toxins in my own home.

Through the years, that evolved. I learned more about ethical fashion (but stayed something of a shopaholic, just an “ethical” one – it took years before I realized that was an oxymoron) and then became more aware of the impact my diet has on the planet. Years later, I started switching my beauty and skincare, and then my cleaners. There are a handful of things that I am still working on.

I shop significantly less and consider the environment on every purchase. We use cloth diapers, but not cloth wipes. We eat mostly organic, but still struggle with food waste. I don’t buy the kids any toys (they have grandparents for that, oh my!) but head over to Target when they need shoes and clothes now (more on that here). We make most of our own cleaning products, but I still drink Diet Coke pretty frequently. We buy a lot in bulk, but I haven’t been able to find or make a hummus that I like nearly as much as the ones in plastic containers. There is plenty of room for improvement in our home.

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Because I made the transition slowly (and am still making it!), it has never been overwhelming. But, I can certainly see how it could be. So, if you are thinking about transitioning to a life with a little more ethical style, let me help you out. I have designed this post to be used as a guide to help you transition, depending on where you are and where you want to be.

Go slow, go fast, however you want to make the switch. If you want to completely swap out all of your beauty products but hang on to that one Nars lipstick, I have a plan for you. If you want to eliminate toxins from your home, I have one for you too. Don’t worry if you really, really love Ajax and bleach.

The first thing to do when you want to live a more conscious life:

Start With Your Why

Determine why you want to move to a more ethically-inspired lifestyle. I’ve written about this before, primarily about building an ethical wardrobe and about getting clear with your values.

It is an important first step.

If you are doing this primarily for your health, you’ll probably want to start with your home, and skincare and beauty.

If you are doing this strictly for the environment, work on reducing waste, single-use plastic consumption, and meat consumption. Start in the kitchen and with your shopping habits.

If you are concerned for the well-being of the other occupants of our planet, go plant-based and review your beauty products.

If you determine why you want to live a more conscious lifestyle, you are more likely to stay motivated to keep your lifestyle.

Like anything else, becoming more conscious and environmentally friendly takes time and effort. Having a solid reason makes all this effort much more manageable and worth it.

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It is ok to have many whys. Mine started with a concern for the environment, and then moved on to a concern for the health of our family and the realization that stuff causes me anxiety. The more I read and learned, the more my whys expanded.

Once you’ve determined your why, take a look at a few of my suggestions to get started:

I want to start with my skincare routine.

Your skin is your largest organ. And absorbs everything you put on it. In my mind, this is the place to start if you want to make the biggest impact on your health and the planet.

Here are a few posts to help you get started:


I want to start detoxing my home.

This might be the easiest one, as most of us aren’t all that attached to our cleaning supplies.

Here is a post that will show you HOW TO CLEAN YOUR HOME NATURALLY, including the only six completely safe, completely non-toxic products that you need that can be found in your kitchen.

I would love to learn more about ethical fashion and how to make the switch.

Here is a step-by-step guide detailing HOW TO BUILD AN ETHICAL WARDROBE (WHEN YOU DON’T KNOW WHERE TO BEGIN) and my 2021 Sustainability Focus to buy nothing new.

I have kids and would love to learn more about being more conscious with my kids’ stuff.

Oh, yeah. Me too. This has been a struggle for me because of my desire to shop ethically and the fact that kids clothes won’t last no matter how well you take care of them or how well they are made. I want cheap clothes. So, I struggle. But, I have a few work arounds. Hint: hand-me-downs and Poshmark! Read more here.

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I am about to have a baby, and I want to know what I really need to have an eco-friendly nursery.

I want to clean up my kitchen.

I want to go zero-waste.

Me too! But, we are a long way off. But, we are getting closer. Here are a few posts to help reduce your waste:



I am just at the beginning and I want to know a handful of small things that I can do to get started. I am not ready for a big commitment.

Ok, I get it. It is hard to make a commitment to the environment when it feels like everything that is eco-friendly and ethical is either not as effective, not as beautiful, or way more expensive. And sometimes it is. Just one look around the produce aisle at Sprouts and you’ll see the difference in the organic v. conventional prices.

But, it isn’t always the case. I have put together a few reviews of products that are cheaper, easier, and work better (yes, all three!) that we use and love.

I have also put together a list of small things that you can do today that can help the environment. Some take more time and planning, but others are super simple.

These are easy switches that will save you money, reduce your consumption, and work well.

I want to learn a little bit more about the impact my diet has on the environment.

I want to go All In! (Good for you!)

Updated 10/07/2021

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