
This You?

Do you feel impatient and distracted?

Constantly on the verge of yelling (or yelling)?

Wishing you could give your little ones your undivided attention, but find your to-do list and yesterday’s conversations running through your mind? Does it feel like you ask  your kids 18 to pick up their clothes, get dressed, get in the car….and they don’t respond? 

For the first few years of motherhood, I felt that way too, trapped in the frustration —> yelling —> guilt cycle. Telling myself I was ruining my kids, and wishing I could be the peaceful parent that I knew my little ones deserve and that I longed to be (and deserved to be for myself).

A Calmer, More Peaceful Holiday Season is in Reach

Imagine having more patience and joy in your motherhood journey


Peaceful Presence

A mini-course workshop that will bring you a calm presence, connection with your kids, and more joy, all in time for the holidays.

In Peaceful Presence, you’ll learn strategies to get through the day without losing your sh**. You’ll handle the frustration with grace and ease. 

You’ll learn ways to get your kids to cooperate more (not every time, but more often) and how to encourage them to play independently.

You’ll bring play and fun into motherhood and peace will follow.

And you’ll learn what to do when you do yell (because you’re not perfect…it’s gonna happen).

Peaceful Presence is Different

In less than two hours, you'll get high impact lessons on creating peace, being more present, and using play to increase cooperation and independence.



Most of us could use a little extra patience and compassion (both for ourselves and our little ones). Both of these are linked to mindfulness. This module will help you bring mindfulness into your day to day and help you respond rather than react. You’ll also get clarity on the presence you want to bring into your home.



Next, we'll discuss some of the myths of motherhood and our mindset patterns that keep us feeling burnt out and overwhelmed. We'll discuss the connection between mindfulness and compassion and patience and work on ways to build our mindfulness practices.




Play is a key to peace. You’ll learn how to bring play into your day for greater cooperation and shorter bouts of frustration. You’ll also learn ways to communicate more peacefully and work on a few mindset shifts that will help bring peace into your family life.


Reset & Repair

Even the most peaceful mom is going to lose her patience from time to time. In this lesson, we'll learn what to do.

Ready to build the calm and joyful life you deserve?

Join the Waitlist Now!

When you enroll in Peaceful Presence:

You will receive all the tools you need to build the peaceful, playful, present home you deserve.

4-LESSON On-Demand Workshop

Each lesson includes a 15 minute (or less) video that you can watch at any time (or listen or read). A workbook supports each module and helps you implement the course material. There are also bonus readings and videos to supplement what you're learning. It should take you less than 2 hours to complete the course and get you on your way to a calmer, more connected motherhood.

BONUS: The Big Three

Three Things Our Little Ones Need to Thrive, a mini course on giving our little ones three things that will meet much of their emotional needs, help them play independently (more time for you!), reduce some of the more difficult emotions and behavior and get them to cooperate more. 

Is Slow and Simple Motherhood Right for Me?

If you are:

↠ A mother who is ready for more patience, presence, and peace,

↠ Ready to stop the yelling-guilty cycle,

↠ Ready for deeper connections with your children,

↠ Looking for a little more cooperation and independent play from your kids,

↠ Have limited time to get through a course (and see results,

Then Yes, this program is for you.

What's included with Peaceful Presence?

Peaceful Presence includes 4 lessons, printable workbooks and prompts, and plenty of supporting bonuses.

Once signed up, you will receive lifelong access to the course portal, including videos, bonuses, and any future additions.

What will I learn?

In Peaceful Presence you'll:

↠ Learn how to recognize and then manage our emotional triggers

↠ Find ways to use play to increase cooperation and peace

↠ Build habits that increase patience and compassion

↠ Learn what to do when you do yell (because you're not perfect, right?)

↠ Build habits that create more calm and peace.

What's the investment?

The Peaceful Presence investment is $67, with a personalized option available for $147.

Of course, there is plenty of peace and presence information out there, but I have put it all together with research-backed action items, life experience, and mom-to-mom testing.

I believe that investing in ourselves is the best way to make change happen and I've designed this workshop to help you make the changes to live the life you want.

What if I don't have time for this?

I get it... you have a lot on your list. But, I designed this mini-course to deliver high impact in a short amount of time.

It may take a little longer than two hours to solidify the habits, but you'll have a few tools that you can use immediately.

And you will have access forever!

Will this work if my kids are babies? Toddlers? Teenagers?

My children are three and six, so I use them as examples. However building peaceful presence will benefit families with kids of all ages, including grandparents and childcare providers.

I wish I had started working on my peaceful presence before I had children, and will continue this journey (and help teach them) well into our future.

How soon after I purchase the product will I have access?

You will receive access to the Peaceful Presence course portal shortly after you sign up.

The course will be available on Wednesday, November 30, at noon PT.

What if I have more questions?

Just ask! I want this investment to be worth it before you commit. Please reach out to with any questions, concerns, hesitations, anything.

The Raising Slow Guarantee

I want to make sure your experience with Peaceful Presence is a great one.

If for any reason, it does not meet your expectations and you've gone through the entire course, I’d love to work with you to figure out what we can do together. If you're still unsatisfied or don’t feel as though you and your family have benefited from the course, I’d be happy to discuss a refund or an alternate solution.