Word of the Year: An Update for 2020

What is your word of the year? Are you updating it for the rest of 2020?
What a year so far! I think it is safe to say that most of us have never had a year (or half a year that feels like five) quite like this. We’re halfway through it. Halfway through this unusual, challenging, slow, unexpected sort of year. And, at the halfway point, it seems like a great time to check in on our words of the year, reflect on what we still need, and give ourselves credit for how far we’ve come.
What was your word of the year? Does it still apply?
Didn’t pick a word of the year? Well… it certainly isn’t too late to determine a word, or focus for the second half of this year, especially this year when uncertainty and unpredictability have dominated the first half. Here is my original word of the year list:
For some of us, this stay at home order allowed us to really flourish and create and work towards our larger goals. For others, taking care of our little ones and staying above water was all we could do. In any case, a recommitment, a reevaluation, or a complete redo of our words of the year might be necessary.
Depending on where you are, it is a great time to revisit your words.
Maybe you completely kicked a*s this first half of the year and met your year end goals. This could be a time to take this second half of the year to appreciate yourself and bask in the success of your hard work. Or maybe use the momentum and continued motivation to keep crushing your goals and make even more progress than you hoped.
Or maybe you just survived, but want to move towards a feeling of thriving (or you realize where you are and want to let go, relax, and take care of yourself).
Your Guide, Your Focus
No matter where you are, it is a great time to reevaluate your word. Let your word of the year guide you through the next half. Let it be your focus. Recommit to the one you chose in January or choose a new one entirely.
Here are a few word of the (half) year suggestions to guide you through the second half of 2020. I created an updated list that I feel captures this year a little better than the first list. It includes words like breathe, perspective, adjust, and see the abundance. This list encourages you to be an ally, to unlearn, and to relinquish control. It is word of the year list created for these uncertain times or any other time of crisis or upheaval.
And, if you need some help updating your word of the year, take a look at my original post and spend some time sitting and reflecting on what you need and want for the rest of the year.
My words of the year are:
I had no idea how perfect those words would be this year and how much I would really need to lean into them (especially patience and progress).
I have found that my patience was tested more often than I choose to admit and that I ran out of it much more frequently than I hoped (I am not a bad mom, repeat it with me…). And I have had to remind myself to breathe and slow down.
But, it got easier. Patience is a muscle and if quarantine did anything for me, it strengthened mine.
I also found that I had to work extra hard on presence these last few months. I was bored. My kids were bored. And what do we do when we are bored? Pick up our phones and zone out. I was stressed, I was worried, and I was distracted.
I have probably not gotten all that much better at being present, but it is something I work on every single day. I have put a few “rules” in place as far as phone use and one-on-one time with my kiddos, and that has helped but I have a lot of work to do in this area (it is a practice… more on that below!).
And progress… well, this is so subjective. I certainly have made progress in some areas and regressed in others. But, overall, I would say that (given the circumstances) I moved the needle a bit and so I am going to give myself a bit of credit and have patience with myself in knowing that this isn’t going to be my year for big goal achievement or money making. But it is going to be the year that I slow down with my kids and just watch them grow and be. And that is more than okay.
I have also added two words, Practice and Perseverance.
Why these two?
Well.. I think perseverance is probably obvious. This year has been a year to just persevere. We will get to where we need to be, we will get to the other side of all of this, we just need to get through it. So, I need to remind myself to just keep chugging away.
I spend about 10 – 15 minutes each morning doing yoga. It is a very short practice, but it has reminded me that everything is a practice. We practice yoga. We practice playing drums (well, I don’t, but some of us do).

We practice being kind. We practice our activism. We practice everything we want to be and do. And some days that practice goes well.
Other days, we are beginners all over again.
But we get back up and practice. Even when the practice hurts, even when we failed yesterday, and even when we just don’t think we can practice anymore.
It is also a word that I have chosen to remind myself that my preschooler is also practicing. He is practicing being gentle with his brother, he is practicing being polite. He is practicing expressing his emotions, his needs, and his wants, in a respectful, calm, articulate way. He needs to practice his patience too. He is a beginner and I need to let him practice (and of course, fail and learn).
It is a reminder that sometimes my expectations of him are too high and that I need to be there to help him practice. And sometimes, I need to practice patience with him when he fails in his own practice.
Practice will get us there. Eventually. I just need patience.
When I reflect on my chosen words, it is clear that they are all linked. I need to practice many things in my life, most notably, I need to practice patience and practice presence. I need to persevere in my practice. And, with all of these, I will get to where I need to be. It might not be today, but I will get there. Progress, in time. Progress over perfection.
Have you taken the time to reevaluate your word(s) for the year? Added, taken any away? This has been a year of pivoting for many of us. What has that done for your words and focus? I’d love to hear about your words and how it has gone so far.
These are definitely great words. I love the words “optimism’ or ‘positivity’ as I really try and be positive as much as I can. I generally am a positive person overall and think it’s important to help others see the positive side of life.
I imagine those words have served you and your family (and all those around you) well. Thank you for sharing Rosslyn!
Loved this post ! I probably would say my word is growth.
Great word Chelsea!
I love this post so much! Up until this point, I didn’t have a word of the year, but now thanks to your list I have 3! The little things (actually did a blog post about this!), breathe, and accept the challenge! Thanks so much for sharing!!
Oh, those are great words. I am so happy you found three that resonate. I would love to see the post. If you have a second, come back and post it in the comments! Thanks Marie!
Making a word and sticking to it is a great idea. The word I picked was “intention.” I haven’t done great with it, given the year it’s been, but just having it in the back of my head helps!
2020 was a year that really tested us all. That is why I updated mine half way through. And then recommitted this year. Thank you for sharing Kim.
After the end of March I pretty much gave up on my word of the year. And that word was balance. But I guess in all reality I am totally practicing my word of the Year by trying to balance keeping the kids alive and keeping myself sane! Hahaha
Oh Brandy, I know exactly what you mean. Sometimes, our words, goals, practices have to be adjusted to the circumstances. 2020 is a “circumstance” for sure. And yeah, if you kept them alive and yourself sane, then I think you found balance, right?
Love this idea. I think sometimes we have to be flexible and may need to adjust our goals based on what’s happening. This year is good example of that.
Oh, 100%. Flexibility and adjustments! This year has taught us all so much. Thanks Sara!
For me, it’s been: challenge, patience and progress. Having a kindergartner who hates online learning was a challenge. He did great in school with hands on learning and all of a sudden he had to stare at a screen. So I had to have a lot of patience! But, we progressed and got through it! Great thought provoking post!
Oh, me too Angelika. Patience is always a challenge and 2020 and 2021 are challenging it even more! My little one hated his only once-a-week online class so I gave up after a few weeks. I can’t even imagine how difficult it must be for kindergarteners. Congrats on getting through it!
Wow, I love how you picked words of the year. I want to try this! I love this.
It really helps define your focus for the year, even as the year evolves. Last year, I picked patience. I had no idea how important that would be as the year went on. If you try it, let me know how it goes! Thanks Audrey!
I started out the year with my word being grateful, but I feel like it is more PERSPECTIVE. I am really learning to educate myself more and see others perspectives in various situations.
Oh, I like perspective. I agree – seeing others’ perspectives is always valuable. And often difficult (at least for me!). Thanks for sharing this Dana!
My word this year has been “intentional.” I was introduced to this concept last year and it so helpful when I remember!
Oh! I love that word. It is so all-encompassing. If we do everything with intentionality, everything becomes more enjoyable, more meaningful, more successful. Thank you for that!