This Year, My Word of The Year Chose Me
Each year, I choose a word of the year, well… several. I usually I spend time meditating on it, maybe even journaling. You can take a look at the exercise here. This year, it feels like the words chose me….
Each year, I choose a word of the year, well… several. I usually I spend time meditating on it, maybe even journaling. You can take a look at the exercise here. This year, it feels like the words chose me….
We find ourselves rushing from one thing to another. We are too busy for this and that. What would change if we focused on finding time to slow down?
Slow motherhood can mean so many things. As many mothers as there are, there are versions of slow motherhood. But, here are 15 ways to embrace slow motherhood that have worked for me. I invite you to choose a few that work for you.
Motherhood happens so fast. If we want to slow down, we need to define what we want and create a more intentional life. Start with your core values.
Faster. More. Busier. The words that define our lives much of the time. But we can choose slower, simpler lives. Here are a few habits for slow living that have changed our lives for the better and allowed me to live more peacefully and more inline with my values.
Last month, I received an email from The Parenting Junkie with the subject line “most parents hate parenting.” It broke my heart. It is hard, but I love motherhood. And, I believe that slowing down has allowed me to love it. By embracing slow motherhood, we give ourselves time to take care of ourselves as well as our kids. It allows us to find more joy in motherhood. #selfcare #slowmotherhood #slowdown #lovemotherhood #magicofmotherhood #intentionalmotherhood #mindfulmotherhood
What is your word of the year? Are you updating it for the rest of 2020? What a year so far! I think it is safe to say that most of us have never had a year (or half a…
Last week, I made a case against searching for balance. Instead, I think we should strive for harmony. We try so hard to find balance in our lives. For most of us, it is a fruitless goal. It is almost…