A Slow Motherhood Challenge: Write

A Slow Motherhood Challenge: Write
Today, instead of a post, I am issuing you another Slow Motherhood Challenge. Take 30 minutes or so to write about your kids. A letter to them, a note about them, some advice, anything at all. Just make today about them.
We sometimes get so wrapped up in the day to day that we forget to savor it.
Right before I sat down to start my daily writing (which I am using to write this, and then moving on to write about my little dudes) I was sitting on the floor with my littler one. I was saying “Say Mama!” to him. He was laughing hysterically, almost as if saying to me “I can’t talk, you silly mama.” And maybe “you know I am going to say Buggy first, right?”
It was a perfect moment.
And the kind that we so soon forget.
So, take this day to write about them. Savor them. Remember those small moments. Because it happens so fast. And in a rush to get our jobs done during naps and bedtimes, and those extremely rare moments that they play independently, it is so easy to forget to take the time to remember them as they are, right in this moment (even if it does include a 45-minute bout of yelling “Not that!”).
A few things to think write about today:
- What do you love about your kids right now?
- Do they have any funny habits?
- What about funny expressions or ways of saying things?
- Have they passed any milestones? I love the minor ones.
- Tell them about the day they were born.
- Is there anything you wish you would have known at their age?
It is so easy to do all the things we “have to do” that we forget about taking the time to savor the good stuff. I am so guilty of this. I forget that the “good stuff” is the reason I work at home. It is the reason we’ve taken an income hit during these years, and are happy to do it. But, it is all pointless if I don’t actually take the time to enjoy and soak it in.
So, I invite you to do the same. I know you are busy and probably can’t spare even five minutes. But, try to make a moment to soak it in and document this beautifully chaotic time in all of your lives.
This is the first in a series of Slow Motherhood Challenges. Join me on a monthly challenge to slow down, and appreciate the wonder and newness that your kids show every day.

I love this idea!! When I get writers block I always free write about my kiddos and their shenanigans!! I cant wait to see more of these posts!
Mary, that is awesome. I may start doing that. Instead of sitting at my computer, open my “The Kids” doc and type away. Thanks for the idea. Maybe I’ll update this post to add that!
What a true post! We often times miss Out on milestones because we are too busy trying to plan for the future. So taking the time to live in the present is something that we often times take for granted.
I know. And I find myself so wrapped up that I forget some of the funny and cute things they did. I want to remember this stage (and all of them) and be able to pass it on to them, so I try to write. I hope you will be able to also. Thank you Caressa.
These are great starters! I need to start writing more.
It is sometimes hard to set aside time to write (especially when it isn’t work related) but I love going back and reading little stories about them that I don’t remember anymore. I hope you do Adriana!
I’m going to incorporate this into my journaling. Thanks for posting.
Melinda, that is an awesome idea. It is awesome that you already have a journaling practice, too. I hope you enjoy writing little stories about your little ones.
I love the idea of slowing down and taking time to write about our littles! I especially love the #3 prompt! Right now my 4yr old says “tater tops” instead of tater tots. For some reason it kills me every time! 😆
Those are the best. That just made me giggle a little. I heard the cutest little voice saying “tater tops.” It is adorable! Thanks Kari for sharing that.
Love the idea of slowing down a lil bit. It is really difficult to do at this point. But great post. Will definitely try a few tips
I know Roshini, it really is when there is so much going on (home stuff, work, kids’ school, etc.). But, if you can find a way, it is so worth it. Especially in these ultra hectic times.