
Embracing Love as Action: Insights from My Oracle Reading

Love as action (not just an emotion).

A Shift

We ended our summer with quite a bit of change. I wrote a few weeks ago about ​using this change and crisis to shift​. Shortly after I wrote this, I spent a weekend with 6 dear girlfriends in Monterrey.

I needed a mindset shift, a change of scenery, and some time to process and plan, desperately. Being with These Girls (as we call ourselves) in the cool, foggy paradise refilled my cup, re-energized me, and left me feeling lighter than I’ve felt in a while. I also laughed to tears so many times before we even got there. It was the funniest 4-hour drive I’ve ever taken. Exactly what I needed.

An Oracle Reading

My friend Tammy offered to do Oracle Card readings (I think that is what it was). Believe in the cards or not, if nothing else, these readings give you something to think about, a new perspective.

I drew three cards: “Perseverance” as my current state, “Love” as the action I need to take, and “Patience” as the outcome.

As I reflected on the reading and my scribbled notes, I recognized that for the last year, I have been in a state of waiting, of moving forward with the day to day, without having a solid plan or even an idea of what I want. I was “getting through” rather than living my life. I was focusing on resilience and stability and was persevering rather than moving forward or growing.

Love as Action

Now that we’ve had a shift in our family, I can refocus. ​Breathe​. Move to the idea of love as an action. Something I do and choose.

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Often, we view love as a powerful emotion (the most powerful one?). But, it’s equally as potent if we view it as an action, a way of living. Actively nurturing our relationships, practicing kindness and compassion (with our little ones, our partners, strangers, and OURSELVES).

I’ve begun asking myself (as directed by the card), “Am truly open to giving and receiving love?” and reminding myself “only love is real.” Beyond these questions and reflection, I’ve considered a few ways to embrace love as action in my life. In the coming weeks and months, I am going to focus on:

1. Self-Love:

Motherhood sometimes chips away at my self-esteem and self-worth and finding time for self-care feels impossible. But, love always begins within. If I can learn to love myself unconditionally, I know I am better equipped to love and support others. Reminding myself to take the time to care for myself the way I would a loved one, starting with how I talk to myself is key.

2. Acts of Kindness:

Small acts of kindness have a profound impact. You know what to do: a smile and an open door, a quick and thoughtful text, a simple hug. At the end of the day, these small acts of kindness ripple out to create a more compassionate and loving world. And when I’ve opened myself up to find ways to show kindness, I usually feel better as well.

3. Empathy and Understanding:

It is sometimes challenging to be empathetic and understanding with our little ones and their big emotions. Taking time to listen, to truly listen, to my kiddos is a focus. I may not always understand, but I know I can do my best to hear them.

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4. Forgiveness:

Forgiveness is a powerful act of love – not just forgiving others but also forgiving ourselves. It frees us from the burdens of resentment and allows us to move forward with an open heart. I have not always been quick to forgive. I’ve learned so much about forgiveness from my little ones and continue to work towards easy forgiveness.

5. Express My Love:

And do it freely and abundantly. I want my little ones to feel my love, hear it, see it, and know it is always with them. I want them to feel appreciated for who they are, imperfect, loving, interesting and amazing humans.

I am good at expressing my love in the good moments. I want to work on actively showing more love when I’m frustrated, frazzled, tired, or angry.

6. Begin with love:

I want to approach every situation starting with love. I’ll ask, “what is the most generous interpretation?” and assume the best.

I’d love to hear how you love as an action, how you infuse it into your day.

And, as always, Thank you for being a part of this incredible community. Your presence and your commitment to growth inspire me every day.

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