
Sustainability Focus: Buy Nothing New

Sustainability is a journey, right? Each year, instead of New Year’s resolutions, I choose a sustainability focus. This Year’s Focus: Buy Nothing New.

Because, sustainability is a journey, right?

Each year, instead of making New Year’s resolutions, I choose a word of the year (or three). I also choose a sustainability focus. I started doing this a few years ago when I realized that certain sustainability goals (like going zero-waste) couldn’t just happen overnight. So, I started a sustainability focus.

I haven’t written here about this before, but have written about these at Future:Standard, my ethical fashion blog that I have since de-activated. You can read about them here

Sustainability is a journey, right? Each year, instead of New Year’s resolutions, I choose a sustainability focus. This Year’s Focus: Buy Nothing New. What this means, how I plan to buy nothing new, and my journey to more conscious consumerism. #ethicalstyle #ethicalfashion #consciousconsumerism #secondhand

This Year’s Sustainability Focus: Buy Nothing New This Year

Just like all journeys worth taking, there are a few steps forward and a few (hopefully not as many) steps back. 

This year, my sustainability focus is to try to buy nothing new. 

Now, obviously, this is not going to be completely successful. If you’ve read my ethical fashion for kids post, you know that I do find myself running to Target at the last minute trying to get a pair of shoes because my kids’ feet grew overnight. Or because I just completely forgot that I needed a costume for “Dr. Seuss” day at school. But this year, I am working on not only not buying anything new, but also my organization….Another post altogether! 

I’ve tried this before. In 2017, after my first little one was born. But, by mid-year, I abandoned it completely! So… try, try again, right? 

Why Nothing New?

A few reasons…

1. Sustainability

The most sustainable thing is the one we already have.

And, if we don’t already have it, secondhand is the second best option. We all know that. And there is so much “stuff” out there that I am certain I can find everything we need used.

2. We already have too much!

Wayyyyy too much. I am also trying to get rid of a lot of our stuff. I am tired of the clutter and am constantly working on being content with what we have. So, as I commit to buying nothing new, I am also committing to buying fewer things and to mindfully disposing of what we do have. Which reminds me, have you seen my Closet

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3. If I can’t find it used, do I really need it? 

The answer is maybe. But, at least asking myself this question for every purchase will force me to think about my purchases a little more thoughtfully. It will also cause me to actually look for things on Poshmark, Mercari and others. And, just by taking the time to look for things, I may end up finding it, or I may end up not buying it at all. 

4. A Move to More Conscious Consumerism

In the long run, I’d like this to be a lifestyle, not just a goal for the year. I’d like to become more of a conscious consumer than I currently am. There are a few areas that are especially troublesome for me, and I’d like this year to help me be more mindful of those areas (ethical beauty products, kids’ clothes and small treats come to mind).

I hope by setting a few very simple guidelines, that I make a better habit of questioning if I really need something, and if I don’t, do I really want it? I hope to stop just throwing things in the cart – the Whole Foods beauty department just gets me every time!

My Plan

I will not buy anything new that I don’t need. 

That’s it. 

So, the biggest piece of this is deciding what we need versus what is just a want. I recognize this as the biggest challenge. What I don’t need? New clothes, shoes, or accessories for myself. I don’t need new electronics. I will keep going to the library and find a different book if the one I want is not available. If I fall in love with a book (especially a kids’ book), I will look for it at Better World Books or a used seller on Amazon. 

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I don’t need new beauty products, unless I’ve run out (so that extra facial oil… nope. At least not today!). I will of course buy new products when I run out, but I will look under my sink before I shop. Because I am sure there is a hotel sample or something that I didn’t like all that much at the time. 

I am going to do my best (like really put an effort in) to buy nothing new for my kids either. But, I understand that I have weaknesses here – like the little “treats” everywhere we go. These have to go.

I am giving myself a loophole for holidays and birthdays, but will try to by secondhand here as well. Poshmark has Legos! I am also giving myself a few exceptions for some big home purchases, as we will likely need a new dishwasher and bathroom vanity this year (although, I have been looking around for a used one).

That’s the guideline. 

And, with that plan, I hope to minimize what I buy secondhand as well. Because secondhand stuff is still stuff.

I’ve already failed.

If you’re reading this mid-year, maybe you’re wondering how I am doing. Well… so it’s only January 26, and I’ve already failed. 

Yep. And that is part of the reason I am writing this post. For accountability. Because if I write it here, then I have to do it. Or I will feel super embarrassed.

So far, I bought a pair of jeans (because they were on super duper sale and I needed to replace ones that I ripped), a colander (also a replacement of a broken item), and a unicorn stuffed animal (because my kids are spoiled and my little one kept saying “find unicorn, mama. FIND UNICORN! And I didn’t know what unicorn I was supposed to find, because, huh? We don’t have unicorns. And it was his birthday). 

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Anyway…I’ve already failed. 

But, that’s ok. It’s a journey right? And I am not going to stop trying because I’ve already failed. The failure gave me an opportunity to recommit and reset, and those are my words, right?

Sustainability is a journey, right? Each year, instead of New Year’s resolutions, I choose a sustainability focus. This Year’s Focus: Buy Nothing New. What this means, how I plan to buy nothing new, and my journey to more conscious consumerism. #ethicalstyle #ethicalfashion #consciousconsumerism #secondhand

What Do I want from this?

Of course, the obvious. I want less stuff. I really would like to end this year with fewer belongings, less clutter, and more space than I started it with. 

I’d like to spend a little less. 

I hope to be a little more honest with myself about my needs v. wants and in turn become an even more conscious consumer. I intend to be even more mindful of my shopping habits. 

I’d like to model conscious consumerism to my kids and teach them that it is more important to value experiences than stuff. I already see their “need” for more starting to influence all of our decisions (and their behavior – ugh!).

Most importantly, I hope to have a sense of abundance around what I already have. I hope that after a year of nothing new, I will find it easier to continue buying less and appreciating more. 

And, if I really, really, really want something… well, I’ll wait. And, you know what, I probably won’t want it anymore! 

Have you considered a sustainability focus or challenge? What have you tried? How did it go?

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