Self-Care at Home for Moms During Quarantine

Most days, we put everyone else first. Our kids, our work, the house, everything comes before we take care of ourselves. During quarantine, this is no different, probably even worse. Now we have all of the demands, all at the same time. And most of us have less time to take care of ourselves. But because we are taking care of everyone else, it even more important to practice self-care at home for moms.
We have so much stress with a global pandemic, our kids home 100% of the time, very little privacy, no social life, very little family support, and financial uncertainties. Add to that, trying to educate our kids, keep them busy without going to the regular places with their friends, and keep the house at least reasonably neat when they are there, making messes, ALL THE TIME! and it is a recipe for a stress-storm.
In order to survive, we need to practice a little self-care.
Self-care is always important. During challenging times (like now!), it is essential.
And I am not about to suggest a spa day, any DIY beauty treatments (although I do have a few of those, here), or even the usual ideas of meditation, movement, and healthy food (although, please do those too!).
Just small, simple acts of self-care kindness to help recharge, fight burnout, and help us feel almost normal in this time of overwhelm.
Every once in a while, we need to put ourselves first. Wholeheartedly, without guilt. Because, not only do we deserve it, but the only way to take care of others so selflessly is to take care of ourselves.
A Few Ideas for Self-Care at Home for Moms:
1. Say no.
The other day, I was on a zoom call with friends. My toddler was climbing all over me, hitting my face, demanding to be fed, trying to grab my phone. You know, being a toddler. I was getting frustrated. A few of my friends were getting frustrated with the distraction.
I got irritated. I felt judged. I was frustrated that I couldn’t have a lingering conversation. And then I realized, hey, I am not enjoying this. Why am I doing it?
Then, I thought, “seriously, why?”
So, I got off the phone. I put it away and gave my kiddos the undivided attention they deserve. I started dinner and had a glass of wine.
It wasn’t a perfect evening, but it was nice.
We have a standing zoom date every week, and I decided that it isn’t for me. There are seven days each week. I want to use them to connect with my closest friends, my family, and to step away.
I know that many of us aren’t busy right now. With isolation, there are no dinners and parties. No networking events and concerts. We are at home. Doing, well…very little. That doesn’t mean we have to say yes to everything that is offered.
We can say no to the things that don’t serve us, even if we don’t have anything else to do. Without an excuse. Just, “no. I am not going to do that.” Not, “not right now.” Not, “maybe.” Not, “no, but…” Just, “No.”
We can just say no. Not because we are busy, but because we don’t want to.
2. Make yourself lunch first.
I know… this sounds ridiculous, but as moms at home with kids, how often do we eat the kids’ leftovers, scarf down something cold from last night, or forget to eat altogether?
Yeah, me too. Way more than I’d like to admit. And I can feel it.
A few days ago, I made myself lunch first.
I made an amazing sandwich with sliced tomatoes, chopped shallots, and goddess dressing. I picked fresh parsley from our “garden,” got out the blender, toasted the bread. The whole bit. I poured myself a glass of sparkling water with a spritz of lemon.
Then, I sat down. I ate it slowly, mindfully, and with both hands.
It lasted about three minutes before my little one crawled on my lap and helped himself and my big one wondered where his sandwich was. But, those three minutes were glorious. And, I am still thinking about that sandwich.
It was such a simple act. But, one of the ways I show I care is through good food. Why am I not showing myself this?
3. Let them watch a little TV (or play on an iPad, your phone, whatever) while you do….whatever you want.
Most of the time, when my big guy is watching TV, it is because I am doing something else that I need to do: putting the little one to bed, trying to cook dinner, cleaning up, or trying to get an urgent project done.
But, last week, for a few minutes at least, I let him watch TV while I read, while I checked email (and not work email), scrolled Pinterest, and basically checked out. Yes, I know, I talk a lot about presence, and this is anything but. But sometimes, mindless scrolling is just what the mind and body need.
4. Just sit.
Have you ever had one of those days that right around dinner time, you realize that you have not sat down once, except maybe to drive someone somewhere? Yeah, me too. It’s exhausting. On days like this, my body aches at the end of the day.
Sitting goes against our nature as mothers. We take every single opportunity to do the next thing on our list. The kids are eating – clean the kitchen. They are playing together – answer those last few emails. They are napping – work on the big project. There is no downtime to parenting.
This is not slow motherhood. This is not being present. And it is not taking care of myself at all. And, I have found that during quarantine, I am doing less of it. I have somehow sped up when I should be slowing down.
So, I am working on just sitting.
When they are playing independently, I sit on the couch and watch them for a few minutes. I sit down while they eat (and eat something with them). When they have their zoom calls for school, I sit and listen to the teachers with them (for a few minutes, at least).
A few times last week, I let my older one watch TV while the little one was napping, and I sat down next to him with my feet UP, snuggled a bit, and relaxed. And I just sat until the nap was over.
It was luxurious.
5. Go to bed early.
I know, after the kids go to bed is the only time the house is quiet and you can get a few extra hours of work done. I get it. I am burning the midnight oil most nights too. It is one of the only ways to make the kind of progress that I need to make right now.
But, every once in a while, it feels so good to just go to bed. Like at 8:30. Put the kids down, wash your face, read a few pages, spray a little lavender essential oil, and go to bed. Without guilt.
You probably need the rest, we all do. I am working on taking one night each week to just put it all aside and go to bed.
And, it feels good.
And if you can’t find time for any of that, well…there’s always wine. Cheers to you mama! I’m probably drinking with you right now!
Btw, here are 21 Ways to Practice Self-Care as a WAHM, if you need more inspiration.
People don’t realize how important self care is to parenting. If you are not happy that energy rubs off onto your children.
Oh, I know. I can see my anxiety transfer to my preschooler sometimes. And then I know I need to take a breath. Fortunately, he reminds me sometimes. Thanks Gabrielle for the comment!
I’ve never thought about it, but I’m going to try tip #2 and make myself lunch first!
Audrey, I hope you do! And then tell me about it. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
making myself lunch first this is unheard of. I dont know how to do this. Its crazy how we are programmed to put ourselves last.
Do it Caressa! It is truly amazing. I was so surprised at how much I loved this (and how easy it is compared to some other self-care practices).
This is everything! I love your honesty and I couldn’t agree more that it IS okay to say no. I’ve never considered making my lunch first, but that sounds amazing. Gonna try it today!
Oh! I hope you do. I couldn’t believe how wonderful such a small gesture of kindness to myself felt. It was seriously the best sandwich. I mean weeks later and I’m still talking about it! I hope it is everything it was to me! Thanks Jen!
Self care is something I need to work on…thanks for the inspiration!
Oh, I know Ceci. I hope you find a little time for it this week!
This is a great list! Home with an infant and toddler and running a small business while quarantined is no joke! I love the making yourself lunch first idea, usually I get my toddlers leftovers!
Oh, the toddler leftovers… Sometimes, I think to myself, “I can’t believe I just ate that. Why did I do that?” and I realize it is because I am hungry and it was there. When I do make myself lunch first, it is seriously luxurious. I hope you find time to do that this week J.
I love the “just sit” one. We don’t do that nearly enough!!!
I know. It is hard. But I think it is so good for us as moms, but them as well. They need to see us relaxing and I think sometimes they need us to sit close by and just be with them. And, usually there is an extra surprise snuggle too. Thanks for commenting Leslie!
These are great tips for self care during quarantine. I especially like the saying no. Self care is important at all times, but even more so now.
I know, with kids home and the additional responsibilities and stress of all this (without any of the typical friend outlets!) it is important. I hope you are finding time to take care of yourself Amanda. Thanks for the comment!
Being still has been a big step in self care for me.
Oh, awesome Mamie. It feels unnatural to me, but is so important and makes such a difference.